Hawaii Pacific Dental Group, Inc.

Restore Your Oral Health with Treatment for Cavities

Nov 1, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. Rohinton J. Patel
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Dental cavities are not only painful, they put your oral health at risk. If you have dental cavities, treatment from Dr. Rohinton J. Patel can help. Dr. Patel offers a variety of restorative dentistry procedures to treat cavities and restore your dental health and appearance. To find out which treatment for cavities is right for you, schedule a consultation at Dr. Patel's Honolulu, HI practice.

The Dangers of Dental Cavities

Dental cavities are holes that form in the teeth from regular exposure to bacterial acids. Dental cavities may begin as small holes, but they will continue to grow if left untreated. Eventually, a cavity can reach the root canal of the tooth, where the dental nerves, pulp tissue, and blood vessels are housed, leading to a painful root canal infection. Root canal infections can severely damage the blood vessels, which nourish the teeth, and cause the tooth to die. The tooth may turn gray as a result, fall out, or require extraction to restore oral health.

Treatments for Dental Cavities

Fortunately, there are many treatments available for restoring teeth damaged by dental cavities. Although not the most aesthetically pleasing, traditional metal fillings made of gold or silver amalgam continue to be a common treatment for dental cavities, but modern treatments are more aesthetically pleasing, allowing those who suffer form dental cavities to enjoy a completely restored smile.

Some popular treatments for treating cavities include:

Preventing Dental Cavities

By taking some simple steps everyday, you can help prevent dental cavities and protect your smile. Some things you can do to protect your dental health include:

Enjoy Restored Oral Health

If you suffer from dental damage, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Patel to enjoy restored oral health.