Root canal therapy can save a natural tooth from needing to be extracted after it has become infected. At Hawaii Pacific Dental Group, we can perform your root canal treatment quickly and with minimal discomfort. After your root canal is complete, we can protect your tooth and restore the appearance of your smile with a custom dental crown. Undergoing root canal therapy at our Honolulu, HI office can help to preserve your oral health and relieve uncomfortable symptoms. To learn more about root canal therapy or schedule a consultation with Dr. Rohinton J. Patel, please contact our office today.

Candidacy and Considerations
Decay, injury, fracture, or improperly performed dental procedures can allow bacteria to collect in your tooth’s pulp, the nerves and blood vessels at its center. An infected tooth root can cause toothache or even lead to the development of an abscess, a pus-filled pocket of tissue. Without proper treatment, this infection could irreparably damage your tooth, making extraction the only available course of treatment. A damaged pulp could also infect surrounding teeth and gums or even travel throughout your body, causing more systemic symptoms. For these reasons, it is important to catch and treat infection as soon as possible. Contact our office if you notice:
- Periodontal (gum) inflammation, redness, sensitivity, or bleeding around a particular tooth
- An aching sensation in your teeth and gums
- Difficulty eating or drinking cold or hot foods or beverages due to tooth sensitivity
- Persistent cold sores, growths, or an abnormal gum texture
- A foul taste or smell near a specific tooth
If you experience any of these symptoms, you may have an infected pulp and therefore be a candidate for root canal therapy. Dr. Patel will diagnose your condition with a visual assessment and x-rays in order to recommend a course of treatment.
The Procedure
Dr. Patel can typically complete root canal therapy in just one appointment. To begin the procedure, he will use our computer-controlled local anesthesia wand to numb your teeth and gums in the affected region so you can stay comfortable throughout root canal therapy. We also offer sedation dentistry options to keep you relaxed and comfortable throughout your procedure.
Once he has administered the appropriate anesthesia and sedation, Dr. Patel drill a small hole in the chewing surface of your tooth to access the pulp within. Dr. Patel will remove the infected pulp, clean the inside of your tooth, and fill its structure with a synthetic, rubber-like material called gutta-percha. He will then seal the small hole he drilled and perform any other necessary fillings, if your pulp infection resulted from decay.
Our Customized Same-day Crowns
Dr. Patel generally recommends that patients who undergo root canal therapy receive dental crowns to restore their tooth’s appearance and function while preventing future complications. A crown is a tooth-colored restoration designed to fit over and look like your natural tooth. Using our advanced CEREC® machine, Dr. Patel can manufacture a customized crown suited to your unique smile in just a few hours, completing your entire procedure in one day. Dr. Patel will shape your tooth or build it up with dental fillings so that it can stably hold the crown. We will then take a digital impression to generate a 3-D map of your tooth and fabricate your crown to your specifications. Once our CEREC® system finishes creating your durable, beautiful ceramic crown, Dr. Patel will bond it to your tooth to complete the procedure.
Learn More
If you are experiencing any symptoms of an infection or were told you require root canal therapy, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Patel.